President, Rolling Thunder Computing Inc
Instructor in Computer Science, Harvard
University Extension School
Author of Why Software Sucks
and The Joy of UX
In-house at your company, on your schedule,
customized to your needs
Call (978) 356 6377 for information
It all starts with
the user. Today's software
sucks because it's designed by geeks for
themselves, from the toolkit outward, instead of
starting from the users' needs and working
User experience design isn't about fonts and
color schemes, although that's the way many app
designers think of it. It's about knowing your
users: who they are, why they come to you, what
will make them happy.
I'll work with your user experience designers
from the beginning to figure out who your users
are and what problems they come to you to solve.
What different categories of users do you have?
How do they evolve over time?
We'll work on your application's feature set.
We'll work on the presentation of that feature
set. Above all, we'll figure out how to make the
user think about your program as little as
possible, ideally zero. Then we'll prototype a
few different choices and run tests to see what
works and what doesn't. And we'll also discuss
how to instrument your application to track user
behavior over the long term.