Developing Software That Doesn't Suck

Developing Software
That Doesn't Suck

A 3-Day Training Class
Taught by David S. Platt, M.E.

President, Rolling Thunder Computing Instructor in Computer Science, Harvard University Extension School

Author of Why Software Sucks  and Introducing Microsoft .NET

In-house at your company, on your schedule, customized to your needs
Call (978) 356 6377 for information

Today's software sucks because it's designed by geeks for themselves, from the toolkit outward, instead of starting from the users' needs and working inwards.  This class will teach application designers, architects, and their managers how to put themselves in the users' shoes and design from the user's needs inwards. The world-famous David Platt will help you learn how to build applications that will have customers flocking to you.

This class teaches user experience only. You need to already know how to program the graphical environment that you want to use. To learn to program a specific graphical environment as well as user interface design, see my classes on Developing WPF Applications that Don't Suck and Developing Silverlight Applications that Don't Suck.

Schedule/Topic Grid:      Detailed Syllabus       

Day Morning Topic Afternoon Topic
1 Why Software Sucks Using Roles and Personas for UI Design
2 Using WPF and Silverlight for Good and Not Evil Making Your Apps Just Worktm
3 Testing on Live Animals Instrumentation for Knowing Thy User